April 15, 2009

Like A Boss

Hey everyone! Sorry for being lazy and not updating my blog recently.  I have been very busy playing video games and watching movies.  Oh and by that I mean do Calculus homework writing papers for my english class.  Actually instead of writing this, I should be reading a paper and writing a response about it.  HAHAHA, wow I hate writing papers! 

If you are an Ohio University Student and are reading this, then vote for iOU --> Specifically for Roger Jones for University College Senator and Shawn Silvis for South Green Senator!!!!  GET IT!!

Well, baseball is officially back and I love it!  The reds are about to sweep the Brew Crew and I can't wait.  Looks like the Reds are definitely on their way to the World Series!

I struggle on a day-to-day basis trying to figure out this Ohio weather.  I'm sure that in Phoenix, Arizona it is about somewhere in between 85-95 degrees.  Sure would be nice!  Here in Ohio, it's April, and still in the mid to low 50's.  Yes, that means jeans and sweatshirts.....still, and I hate it.

I have a video that you should watch....sorry for it not being censored, but it's funnier this way.  Check it out!

Here is another blog that I happened to come across, and let me tell you, it's crazy!
Check it out!

I thought I would take the time to let everyone know how good of an Easter I had.  It was great.  I had to do a big math worksheet, which was somewhere in between awful and terrible.  I also had to write a paper.  Granted, if I wasn't such a procrastinator, then I probably wouldn't have had to write on Sunday.  But, my dinner was the best!  It consisted of a Peanut Butter Sandwich and Baked Lays!  Wonderful.

I have recently become addicted to a television show on HBO at 11 pm on Sundays.  It's called Russell Simmons presents Brave New Voices.  It's about teen poets who basically use Spoken Word to recite their poems.  It's an amazing documentary and is very heart-warming.  Here is a link to watch the first episode online.  You need to watch this!

Ok, so here are my top 5 tv shows on tv right now...

5) Deadliest Catch

4) Real World/Road Rules: The Duel II

3) Nitro Circus

2) Fantasy Factory

1) Russell Simmons Presents Brave New Voices

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