May 31, 2010

Cold Competition

First I want to start with something many of you are familiar with: Cold Showers. Whether you like them or not, there is an art to taking a cold shower. Sometimes cold showers are forced, via no hot water, but there are times when it feels good to take a cold shower. Forced showers are never good! Unless, of course you anticipate there being no hot water, so you go outside and work up a sweat. In that case, cold showers can be good, and that kind of falls into the non-forced cold shower. Now, there are times to never ever take a cold shower. One time is in the winter. No matter how hot you think you are, it is never hot enough to combine the cold from outside and the cold from the water trickling down your back. I would also consider one scenario to be a double whammy... that scenario: a forced cold shower in the winter. If this occurs, something is wrong and you need someone to fix something!

An, on the bubble scenario occurs with the wake-up call. Some people respond extremely well to cold water in the morning, I am not one of those people. My showers have to hot! This is why this scenario is on the bubble. Some people like it, others hate it... it's your call!

Now for the non-forced cold showers. These are good, but there is a complete art to having a good shower. For instance, say you are sweating really bad, and you really need a cold shower because you are hot. When you get in the shower, you have to start on hot, and then slowly move colder and colder. Granted you might be hot for the first few minutes, but if you were to turn the cold on right from the start, then you will be so shocked and you won't take a correct shower. For half the shower, you're probably still sweating, but it will be ok, because the colder you get, your body temperature will go down. So, here's the kicker... your shower needs to last at least 10-15 minutes to allow ample time for decreasing body temp. When you find a good cold temperature, keep it there. The water should not be to the point of coldness you are struggling to breath. Find a good temp, and keep it there. Do your cleaning, but don't rush! Everyone is always in a rush nowadays, and when you're taking a shower like this, you cannot rush! Also, the water has to be cold enough to stop your sweating because once you get out of the shower, you don't want to still be sweating. And another thing, the water can't be to the point where it's so cold, you're shivering during and after the shower, because then you cannot enjoy the sacred shower.

Hopefully after reading that, you will be fully prepared for the next time you are either forced, or in need of a cold shower.

DISCLAIMER: If it doesn't work, don't hate on me!

Now for the serious subject...

I talked a little bit about competition in my last post, but I feel competition is such a huge thing, I need to go more in depth. There is good competition, for lack of a better word there is middle competition, and there is bad competition.

We'll start with the good competition. Competition is such a huge part of life! There is competition every where you look. Business is a competition, your sports teams are competitive, and you compete for jobs by going through school and trying to prove you are the best person for a job. These are all good competition! It is perfectly acceptable in each these cases, to go out and prove to others who you are. It's okay to show others you're the best in these situations. Actually, it's more than okay!

Middle competition is good and bad. If you are with your friends, playing a game, no matter what game it is, you can one of two ways... The first, be competitive, but not overly competitive! You can't be the first one to dive for a ball. I repeat: YOU CAN'T BE THE FIRST PERSON TO DIVE FOR A BALL. It just isn't right. If you are the first one to dive, you come off as way too competitive, even if people are laughing, they know you're way too competitive. You also can't get mad. What I like to do now, as I am growing up, is crowd control. I try not to let myself get upset over a silly little game. If I mess up, I say I'm sorry so my teammates don't think I don't care. It is essential however, to show you care about what is going on in the game. That is also another crowd control technique. Like I said, middle competition is good and bad. It can be a lot of fun, but it can also turn sour really quick.

I take back what I said before about the three types of competition. The last type isn't just bad, it is the absolute worst type of competition!! For this I will separate into a men's and women's subject. Both need to be addressed because sadly, both are intertwined. In case you haven't guessed it, the worst competition comes from relationships, or the start of relationships.

WOMEN- It is essential for you to not play with a guy. First off, guys have no idea what is happening in the first place. Secondly, it is just completely unnecessary! So ladies, if there is another guy, be up front. Say there is another guy, don't lead anyone on. It's important to know who else is out there. If the guy really likes you, he'll stay around and keep talking to you. Why? Beats me, that's just how we are! But, the absolute worst thing you could do to another guy is to act like nothing is going on. And by that I mean, acting like there isn't another guy that you will most likely run back to after you go to dinner. If the guy wants to know something, he'll ask around, we're aren't that stupid. Chances are the guy will find out sooner or later, and it's important ladies, for him to hear it from you sooner rather than later. If you are lucky, he'll hang around, chances are, well I have no idea because we all different!

- Do right. That is my motto in life. What do I mean by that? I mean do whatever it is you think is right. If a girl tells you there is another guy, there are two ways to handle it. First Option: Talk to her! You need to hear it from her. But, understand that once you talk to her, things will be different. Once you talk to her, you two will either be further on the path to a relationship or you will be even more distant than you were before you two even knew each other. If the latter happens, don't expect that to change down the road when the guy is out of the picture. Second Option: Be proactive! If you choose to go this route, there are repercussions. You can pour your heart out to the girl, and one of two things will happen. She will be accepting and choose you. Or, she could completely reject you. Just as long as you know, if you choose this option, its make it or break it, up or down, red light green light.

Personally, I don't know which is the right choice. I think you have to be proactive, but you also need to talk to her. Let's be honest, no girl is actually torn between two guys. Once you get to that point, you have essentially already lost. It's you or him, and now you're competing. If you have to compete for someone, all hope is lost. Competition in relationships never work. Some people respond well to competition, and some people completely shut down. In my opinion guys, although I know this is unbelievably hard to, if there is another guy... sure, say something, talk about it, but then you have to move on. You can't sit and wait for something that has left and is never coming back. First off, if she doesn't choose you from the start and allows another guy to come in, she doesn't deserve you. You were there, but obviously you aren't good enough. Well, here is what I say. Don't put yourselves in a position to get hurt. End of story, problem solved. If you don't put yourself in that position in the first place, this won't happen.

Of course, roles could be reversed....

Next post I will be talking about "just" nice guys...

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