May 27, 2010

The Milk Dynasty

Well, it's quite some time since the last post, and I am bringing bad news along with a new post. It's pretty clear, at least for me to see, that the idea of 'The Walk' was going to crash and burn, though I didn't think it would burnout as soon as it did. So, I am discontinuing the walk conversations because since the last post, I haven't taken one single walk.

What have I been doing instead of posting, you ask? Not much of anything really. I have been trying to watch as many movies as possible. I am really getting into music too. I find myself slowly moving away from watching tv, and listening to more music.

I am really going to make an effort this time to stay on top of my game with this blog. My recent posts haven't been held at the same standard as the posts from when I first started this thing, and that will change, starting now. I will now go back, or at least try to go back to the writing style used when I first started.

This post, I would like to talk about milk. Yes, milk. Milk comes in all different sizes, and kinds. There is the pint, half-gallon, and the full gallon. Milk is 2%, 1%, skim, soy, and even chocolate. Milk is greatly taken for granted, by just about everyone I know. What does milk do? The real question is what doesn't milk do. It's the best part of cereal, aside from the cereal itself. Milk makes your bones strong. And, milk is a dipper. Yea, cookies, oreos, and even donuts at times. Just think, if there was not any milk, there is nothing. Milk is everything!

I would talk about BP, but I think they have been bashed enough for their recent wrongdoings.

Weak post this time, I know. I apologize, but be on the lookout for more frequent posts, and better posts.

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