February 23, 2010

Bucket List

So I present to you on my 20th birthday, well the day after my 20th birthday, some things I think are cool.

First off, I was thinking about this the other day...

I think it's really funny that when you are growing up, you can't wait for your birthday, but then at a certain point in your life, you never want your birthday to come anymore. Well, that point is your 22nd birthday. Why? Let's see...when you turn 10, you're stoked because you've finally hit double digits in years. When you're 13, you're happy because you're officially a teenager. Then comes 16, and well, you can finally drive...at least in most states you can. Next comes 18. At the age of 18, you can buy tobacco, if you're into that. Next is 19. The only thing interesting about the age of 19, is well, nothing! After 19 you turn 20, which is still meaningless except for the fact that you are a one year closer to that ever so coveted 21. 21 is the birthday that absolutely conquers every single other birthday. Not because it's so fantastic, because sometimes it's not, but because your whole life builds up until the day you can actually go to the bar and by your first beer....legally. After 21 your whole crashes and burns. From then on, there is nothing to look forward. By nothing to look forward I mean, age wise. When 30 hits, you cry because you're getting old. When 40 hits, there is still some part in you that you thinks you are young, but then you wake up the next day and realize that you are indeed old. Then the hammer drops at age 50. Not only is that supposed to mark the exact halfway point between your life, you realize you are OLD. You realize that really most of your life has come and gone and the day after your birthday, you realize that there is not much more to do in life that you haven't done, except to complete what is left your "Things to do before I die" list.

Speaking of the "Things to do before I die" list, here is mine at the age of 20:

I want to go to a Super Bowl, preferably one that Bengals are playing in.
I want to go to a Duke vs. North Carolina basketball game, preferably at Duke.
I want to go to an Ohio State-Michigan football game.
I want to go to the Final Four.
I want to go to a NASCAR race.
I want to go to the Olympics.
I want to go to a Notre Dame football game at Notre Dame to see Evan Wray show off what he has worked so hard to get at.

I want to go to France to witness everything that is France.
I want to go to Ireland so I can stare at the hills and be amazed.
I want to take my mom on the trip of her lifetime.
I want to travel with my two cousins and my brother and have a blast.
I want to just get in the car one day and drive. I don't care where I end up, I just want to drive.

Life goals-
I want to....
be the head coach of a football team.
work for a professional team.
be a father.
go to a concert.
be remembered for something remarkable.
graduate college.
buy a house.
live close to my sisters and brother so it's a simple drive to their house when I want to go there.
have this blog turn into something big
work with someone famous
meet Mark Cuban
and of course, witness something, in my eyes, that is truly majestic.

I'm sure there are plenty of things I left out, but hey, it's a start. The way I see it, everyone should at least attempt to do everything they want to do before they die. You only get one life. Why not try and do something for yourself every once in awhile.

Go out tomorrow and do something you wanted to do today, but didn't.

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