February 24, 2010

There's Batman, and then there's Robin

If you could be one superhero, who would you be? Batman, Superman, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Hulk. This question was asked of me and a couple other guys the other day, and one of them said Robin. Seriously, Robin. What has Robin ever done? I mean really, he does nothing but stand in the background and let Batman do all the work, while in the end, taking full credit for everything.

Hello Kevin Skoog. He's a first time reader, therefore he should become a follower and check my blog everyday for new posts.

Ok so really, for the real thing:

I have this extreme obsession with Mark Cuban. I absolutely love the guy. Most people think he is just some NBA team owner who is loud mouth that doesn't sit in a suite like the rest of the owners, and just yells at the refs for no apparent reason other than to get noticed...or fined. Well, he is that, but he is so much more. I couldn't explain why I'm obsessed with him, other than saying the man is a complete and utter genius. He writes a blog called 'blog maverick' and I read every single post. This man is a genius. When he was in college, at Indiana University, him and a buddy decided to take a risk and open a bar. Well, that was only the beginning of the right business moves he has made throughout his lifetime. He owns HDNet, has stock all over the stock market, he wanted to buy the Chicago Cubs for $300 million dollar. Yes, $300 million dollars, meaning he's not only loaded, but he is an absolutely business oriented genius! I heard him talk on Bill Simmons's podcast and I instantly bought whatever it was he was selling. If I need business advice, I look to him for answers. No, I don't know him, but I want hang out with him one day and soak up everything he has to say.

Liquid soap or bar soap? The debate continues...

What is confidence? I couldn't tell you, but everyone should have it. I know a guy, and everyone thinks he is a pompous jerk, but really he is just confident. Confidence.... you need it to pick up a girl, pass a test, and even to make it in the world. When you go to an interview, you need to be confident in your ability to answer any question that is asked. When you are trying to get the girl of your dreams, you need to have confidence, and courage, to go out of your way to talk to her. But, you can't be creepy about it. It has to be a subtle thing. I'm not good at it, but what I am good at is telling you how to be confident, or more a less, that you need to be confident. Confidence is the X-factor of all X-factors. It seems to be the one thing that either brings people down, or builds them up. Don't overplay your confidence, people will hate you for that. I guess you just need to know how to use your confidence. Not too much, not too little.... make it just right and all will be good.

Someone told me to write about something I care about so here it goes: Tough Love. Yes that's right, Tough Love. I love the show! There have now been two very successful seasons, at least in my eyes, and now I'm just waiting for a twist. By a twist, I don't mean anything stupid, but I do mean like taking guys, and having them go through the "boot camp" and let's see it from the guy's point of view. I mean, you have the bachelor, and the bachelorette. Why can't there be Tough Love: girls and Tough Love: guys. Though I love seeing the girls transform into different people, I want to see guys go through the process for one reason and one reason only. That reason is....it could help me out in that department too!

--"Gotta Eat"- Rally's

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