July 19, 2010

2 Questions and No Answers

I don't really understand why I am writing right now. Coming off of writing the longest paper I have ever written in my life, I can't seem to stop writing. My paper: 32 pages. I was stating a case on why Major League Baseball should move a team to Portland, Oregon. Do I really think it can happen, yes, it is only a matter of time.

You ever have thoughts about knowing something, but refusing to accept it? For example, you know nothing will happen between you and this girl, but you just will not accept 'no' for an answer. It could be something like knowing you are not going to get your mom to buy you that new pair of shoes you want, but you need to try, and be persistent. Why? Because there is that .01% chance that you will get that thing. If you are a good salesperson, you can get that pair of shoes somehow. It is that .01% that keeps people going, especially in terms of the opposite sex. For guys, I think it is one of things that starts off as... "Okay, well I will try because I know I will be thinking about this later and then I will get mad at myself if I don't." But, this slowly turns into... "I do not know what it is about this girl, but I do not want to accept the fact she does not like me." There is always something making a guy feel this way. Whether it is a text message, a word, or something random happening one night, there is always something. It could even be something the girl told to the guy's friend who obviously told his buddy because that is what friends do. No matter the case, there is one thing the guy always gets caught up in making him feel that way. Is there a cure? Time. At this point, it is hard, but only time will heel you guys. That is, time away from her. Go out, live your life, and be free!

My other big thought for the night is about opening up.

When is it acceptable to open up? It is very common to have the one person who you can literally tell everything to, and if you do not, you at least are trying to establish that with someone. My thing is, when can you open up? You cannot establish your "go to" person and then the next day open up. I would think you start with little things, you know, things that do not really matter, but it is worth letting someone know. So, when do you open up? I am no expert so I do not have the answer to this question. For me, I do not open up to people. It is really hard to open up, and everyone wants to believe there is someone on the other end of the conversation who actually cares about you. It may be true there are things no one has ever shared with anyone else, and those things kind of eat away at people. Opening up is hard! Friends are the big X-factor on this one. Everyone has that friend who thinks they know everything about you, and really that friend knows nothing about you. Everyone also has that friend you want to have know everything about you. How do you get the latter friend to know? Trust? Trust is tough. You think you can trust someone, but you give them the deepest information about yourself and they run away. All this, only to find yourself alone again. Trust. That word is deep. I will talk about it more next time, but just realize if someone wants to open up to you, they want you to be there for some reason. Do not run away, or turn your back. Be there.

Every day I carry these things with me everywhere I go:

Phone, keys, wallet, chap stick, and a 3 X 5 index card that reads three things. If you are lucky, you will get to know what those three things say.

Until next time... Life is too short to let great opportunities pass you by.

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