July 29, 2010

Live the Regrets

So I do not normally do this. By this I mean writing consecutive posts in consecutive days. Something caught me today though. Something actually that I had all wrong from the beginning. I'm talking about 'regrets' in this post, so bear with me here.

What is life without regrets? I don't really have the answer to that, but I can tell you life would be different. I saw a movie today. The movie I watched was called "Tuesdays with Morrie." I haven't read the book yet, but you know what they say. If there is a great book, watch the movie first, and then read the book. The book is always better. For me, the movie was good. I learned a lot, although the book will probably teach me more. What I like about "Tuesdays with Morrie," is that it's real. It's based on a true story. I'm not going to tell you about the movie or the book because I won't do it justice. You need to go check it out for yourself. This movie really got me thinking.

What is life without regrets? I still don't have this answer. Here is something I learned from the movie. "Death ends a life, not a relationship." So many people look at death and they think, 'I wish I would have done this or that.' 'I wish we would have talked more, or hung out more, or something along those lines.' People see death as the end of that relationship. Someone you loved is gone, and you will never be able to talk to them again. Is that true? That person lives on through your thoughts and memories. That is all you have left of that particular person. Use those thoughts and memories to continue your relationship with that person. I guess you could say it's your turn to talk, and their turn to listen. Remember, "Death ends a life, not a relationship."

What is life without regrets? I don't really have this answer, but I will share my thoughts on regrets. Here is what I got wrong. I always thought I should live life without regrets. Sounds like a great idea. Why in the world would anyone want to have regrets? I don't want regrets, but I know I'm going to have them. It's impossible to live life without regrets! No matter the situation, you will always think twice about something. What if I would have said it in a different tone? What if I said this, instead of that? See that's regret. That's where I got it wrong.

What is life without regrets? Life without regrets is not life. It's a fantasy world. Having regret is life. In some situations, it may not be good to have regret, but you will learn from that, and the next time it happens, you will know what to do. That's what it's all about, using regrets to further your life. Use the regrets to make the right choice next time. As you grow up, you use past experiences to enhance your being in the future. Is that regrets? Possibly. So, don't live life without any regrets, you may not learn anything. Now, for the harder question...

What is the meaning of life? I know I don't have the answer to that one. Morrie Schwartz may...

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